Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Engineers Pon PERLU sihat

Assalamualaikum wbt..

2 days ago, aku pegi BMI (British Malaysian Institute) at Gombak. Obviously they all are future engineers. Good luck ladies!! (^___^)v

Why were u there, hazel? (?__?)

I was there to help these future engineers living in healthy lifestyle, full of nutritious, and more gorgeous. Yeah, though you are engineers to be, doesn't mean you no need to be gorgeous. Perempuan laa katakan. PASTI ade naluri ingin CANTIK. Well, im here to help these ladies and gentlemen becoming more healthier and gorgeous.
So, aku pon smpi kt BMI ni and straight away ke hostel mmber aku ni. At first ken, die ckp ngn aku,

"Hazel, ko jgn laa harapkan pape tau"

Aku pon ngn relax and cool menjawab,
"Owh, aku harap ilmu yg aku nk share ni dpt bg manfaat kt korang sume. (n__n)v"

For the first time aku TAK SESAT ke BMI pkai MRR2. Honestly, aku x suke driving ke tempat yg aku x familiar. Bleh nangis dlm keta klau sesat lagi2 kt bandar KL. But, before aku smpi, aku singgah ke 7 Eleven. Beli air and soy drink. Time kt kaunter bayaran, the casher straightly read my button very LOUD!
"Turun Berat Badan Anda, Tanya Saya Bagaimana"

Kuat gile dowh. Smpi org sebelah aku duk jenguk button aku. Wahaha! Aku pon senyum and ask,
"Eh, awk excited nk lose weight ye? Bg no fon klau awk nk sya consult awk (^___^)v"

Time tu aku x bwk porch yg byk giler flyers aku. So aku pon suh die tulis no fon kt belakang resit pembelian aku. And HE DID IT! Serious beb! Aku tros call die to make sure itu no die, and its true. Baru laa aku walk out smbil tersenyum. Bangga GILER sbb almost all people know HERBALIFE! 
Da smpi hostel dieorg, relax2 dlu. Waiting for the others to coming. Sharp at 9pm, aku start timbang2 dieorg and they are all very excited to know their own body composition. Siap sibuk2 nk tau mmber punye. As usual, aku terangkan what are necessary action should be taken before things goes even worst.
As a former student, I know what they are thinking. BUT hey, that is not the reason for you guys to be EXCEPTIONAL from taking this nutritious as daily consumption. Come on people, I was financed by MARA during my study. Part of my pocket money is for HERBALIFE.

Trust me, after taking this good nutritious, korang akan rase diri korang ibarat disuluh dgn lampu spotlight. Glitters2 gitu ok. Femes laa u oll after dis.. Oushhh..

End of shake party with future engineers.
On Monday, aku dpt order dripd ain, bekas pelajar kolej aku. Congratulation to her for making good decision! Ain ni org Cameron Highland belajar arkitek. Aku pon settlekan proses penge-pos-an product tuk die. After finish everything, aku gerak ke hQ. Nk pick up order yg aku buat pkul 12tgh tdi.

Punye la semngat nk pi hQ ni. Bkn ape, sbb ade org teman. hehehe.

His the guy!! Hehehe. Die pon nk pick up order jgk. So alang2, kami pergi same2. Smpi je kt hQ, tros ternganga.......

FULL HOUSE man!! Org2 herbalife suke shopping hujung bulan kt Herbalife office. Cool and awesome!! So aku pon tekan no giliran aku tuk pickup brg. Sme goes to him.

Busy benor. And aku pon duduk2 smbil tggu no dipanggil. Bile da pggil no aku, berlari sepantas kilat laa aku. Excited GILER!! (^____^)!!!!

"Cik Hazlina, u punye no product is unpaid. U pergi check kt kaunter pembyaran"

Aku ckp "Sya buat wire transfer pkul 12tgh tdi. And now pkul 5pm sya nk pick up"
"Biasanye EOM ni, system pending sbb every 10minit, more than 100 distributors are placing order. U dtg esok tuk pick up ye (^___^)"

Aku "............(n____n) okai......"
At the end, die jer yg dpt pick up brg....

Dgn rase hampa x terkire, die pon ajak aku lepak2 mkn2 kt kLcc. Oraite, kiteorg pon heading to kLcc using the new pedestrian yg bru dibina. Mmg best and cool because it is fully air-condition. So xberpeluh.

LOVE it very MUCH!!! Till now, i'll be writing more useful information about skin care product. BUT, nk teok secara LIVE, mestila WAJB dtg ahad 5hb February, 2012 di Seri Pasific Hotel, near PWTC.

Sangat3333 rugi klau decide xnk dtg. Bkn rugi ape, rugi ILMU. Klau nk ilmu, isi borang kt atas, and sya akan call immediately. 

Selamat mlm semua readers (n___n)v

Thursday, January 26, 2012

MLM adalah Sebahagian daripada Sumber Rezeki

Assalamualaikum wbt

Pernah dgr x surah al baqarah ayat 275 yg bemaksud,

Orang-orang yang memakan (mengambil) riba itu tidak dapat berdiri betul melainkan seperti berdirinya orang yang dirasuk Syaitan dengan terhoyong-hayang kerana sentuhan (Syaitan) itu. Yang demikian ialah disebabkan mereka mengatakan: "Bahawa sesungguhnya berjual beli itu sama sahaja seperti riba". Padahal Allah telah menghalalkan berjual beli (berniaga) dan mengharamkan riba. Oleh itu sesiapa yang telah sampai kepadanya peringatan (larangan) dari Tuhannya lalu ia berhenti (dari mengambil riba), maka apa yang telah diambilnya dahulu (sebelum pengharaman itu) adalah menjadi haknya, dan perkaranya terserahlah kepada Allah. Dan sesiapa yang mengulangi lagi (perbuatan mengambil riba itu) maka mereka itulah ahli neraka, mereka kekal di dalamnya.

Jelas lgi bersuluh Allah mengHALAKAN berjual beli. Dlm bhse modern melayu dipanggil BERNIAGA. Bahasa international skit kite paggil BUSINESS ataupon ENTREPRENEUR. Perkara yg menjadi HARAM apabila peniaga itu mengambil untung berlebih-lebih sehingga menindas pembeli.

Ape itu Multi Level Marketing (MLM)?

Multi Level Marketing atau MLM adalah satu kaedah jualan langsung dimana agent bertindak sebg pengedar barangan dan perkhidmatan. Agents ini juga digalakkan untuk membina dan mngurus team mereka sendiri dgn menghadiri trainings yg ditetapkan. Trainings itu bertujuan utk mengajar agents etika2 yg patut dipatuhi setiap distributors.Komisen yg diperoleh adalah drpd hasil jualan agent itu sendiri DAN ahli kumpulan.

To be honest, MLM is part of marketing technique. Mcmne? Company telah wujudkan agent2 yg dipanggil Distributor ini utk menjual brg2 jualan mereka. Itu yg dipanggil SALES PERSON. Direct selling is referred as the product is directly been delivered to customers. So kt sni, company yg bijak telah memendekkan distribution channel mereka. In other word, they cut cost.

Bg mereka yg xpaham ape tu distribution channel, see this,

Gmbr tu mcm x clear sbb crop dri buku. Ok, see channel number 2. Here is where all big companies like HErbalife which is currently being listed in NYSE, is using distribution no 2. Retailers can be assumed as agent. Clearly said here is, only big company and have good record dare to take this. People are looking for best product with affordable price and good quality.

There is no such thing like retarded MLMers because we are gaining our own income based on our selling and how we grow our organisation. To grow one organisation, it need knowledge. To gained knowledge, we must attend training. So which part that irresponsible person claimed these people as retarded?

We paid government tax, we paid zakat, we do charity, we help people, and we do all things that people are commonly did. The only different between MLMers and EMPLOYMENTS is attitude. MLMers are risk taker while employments are risk adverse.

Jadi kat sini, xperlu laa anda mengutuk sgt MLMers ni. They give service to you. They are not stupid either. Jika anda berasal dari University terkenal dan terhebat didunia pon, jgn laa suke2 claimed people with improper words.

Klau anda rase anda TAK punya keberanian tuk sahut cabaran, just shut up, sit on ur chair and do what your boss ask u to do. That's it.

Jadi, to MLMers or SALES PERSON out there, thumbs up to u becoz anda semua LUAR BIASA!!! You are giving the best service to community especially to HERBALIFE DISTRIBUTORS!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hadiah Dari Mama 2012

Assalamualaikum wbt

Owh my!!!! Its gonna be awesome entry today.

Really? What could be more awesome than your Herbalife story..(=__=)

Of coz my story. But the only different here is im gonna write things that people mostly used to have it. Or maybe regularly have it.
Ok hazlina, cut the crap! Straight to the point please.

Alrite. Dlu aku suke giler menda ni. Ckp la ape pon, aku mesti go for it. 
CAKES!!! Xkire ape brand janji HALAL, confirm aku yg bedal dlu. You just name it, i'll find it. Bkn sekadar cakes je yg aku suke but chocolate with almond, and fast food jenama M pon aku suke gile! Klau cake plak, xmo yg kosong2 nih. At least ade butter cream.

Bkn aku sorg je yg kongsi interest yg sama, but the whole family pon join skali. Except my papa. He dont like it very much.

Until one day, January 2011, it was the gloomy month of the year. Bulan dugaan tuk aku and the whole family. Aku di datangkan dgn 2 bad news, 1 good news, and 1 hope. Mase tu, aku 3rd year degree. 

Bad News Are:

1) Doctor said, "Mr. Halip MUST undergo the operation on January 2nd, 2011"
2) Mama plak disahkan mempunyai masalah buah pinggang mengecut. Hanya 2% saje berfungsi. Doctor said, "You have only 2 options. 1st, go for dialysis, or 2nd, remove the kidneys and find the donor"
Good News is:

1) My birthday is coming soon in January 14, 2011. 

Sbg seorg anak perempuan, aku mcm standing in the middle of empty field. Perasaan aku dat time was.....



Wanna kill the doctor instead


Should i be happy for my birthday??
Seriously aku mcm panik pon ade gak. Every day aku solat and berdoa...

Ya Allah, aku buntu dgn dugaanMu ini. Berikan la aku kekuatan tuk menghadapi dugaan ini. Aku mohon pertolongan dariMu, Ya Allah. Tunjukkan lah kepada aku jalan penyelesaian. Aku mahu ibu bapa ku sihat semula, Ya Allah.

Rintihan demi rintihan. Luahan demi luahan. Aku xberhenti mencari best solution until i found...


1) Fariha (which currently my coach) confidently said to me, "Hazel, ko bg je mama and papa ko mnom herbalife. InsyaAllah, ok"

Punye laa confident suh aku amik herbalife sedangkan itu bulan pertama die dlm Herbalife. Dan waktu tu aku mcm da x pkir pnjang. Terus jer beli produk. Padahal 4 tahun lepas, aku penah kne approach by herbalife distributor but maybe it wasnt his luck to try me. Hehehe..

Few hours in operation room, papa pon kuar. After da sedar dri ubat bius, aku straightly bg shake kt papa. In the mean time, mama pon da start mnom herbalife. Same product, same company, different product result. (^___^)

Sorry readers, papa punye gmbr xde during the operation. But, the only things that i can write here is, papa sihat alhamdulillah. Penyakit2 yg selama nih bersarang dlm bdn papa hampir 22 tahun da sembuh sepenuhnye. Penyakit psoriasis, iaitu sejenis penyakit kulit yg tidak berjangkit. 
Alhamdulillah, dgn hanya mengamalkan nutrisi sihat sbg breakfast, papa and mama sihat. Syukur sgt pada Allah krn utuskan Fariha sbg medium pertolonganNya. Klau x kerana Allah gerakkan hati insan ini, aku pon xtau laa nk citer ape.

So back to the story about food that i LOVE most. Klau laaa dugaan ini x melanda kami sekeluarga, maybe kami akan terus2 amalkan makanan yg tinggi kalori. Bkn nk salahkan food2 yg aku mention diatas, tp with the lifestyle skg, aku sendiri admit yg everyday we are surrounded by unhealthy environment. 

Maybe klau you all yg sme baya ngn aku akn take this article very lightly.
BUT, trust me. If it happen on you, you will have only 3 options in LIFE,

1) SIT DOWN AND DO NOTHING (mcm pasrah and redha jer)

Alhamdulillah, DECISION yg aku amik adalah atas pertolongan Allah juga. Dan alhamdulillah, January 2012, mama hadiahkan aku BIG present. Borang pertandingan memasak on January 14. Oowhh mama, mcm nk perli aku je yg xpandai memasak ni.

Ape2 pon, aku sahut challenge mama, and aku x menang pon. BUT, the most important is, i enjoy cooking with my mum during the challenge. I spent time with her, laughing with her, and share some hot story. Alhamdulillah.

There is no other word to describe unless ALHAMDULILLAH.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Perubahan Yang Memberi Impak POSITIVE

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Alhamdulillah, 2 hari stay kt JB utk sebarkan nutrisi sihat herbalife, akhirnye selamat smpi kL. Kt JB, kami focus kt area UTM skudai, Skudai, and Pasir Gudang. Ramai yg mempunyai kesedaran tuk menjadi lebih sihat dgn menggantikan sarapan pagi kepada Herbalife.

Kenapa nak tukar sarapan?

Sebab sarapan merupakan titik permulaan seseorg itu utk memulakan hari beliau. Contoh simple yg aku suke bg ialah sarapan traditional org Mesia. Ape ea? Emmmm.. Byk sgt.. Ok laa.. Roti canai (feveret aku dlu).. Aku xmo citer fakta sbb sumer org tau yg roti canai berkalori tggi. Kenyang mmg laa and sedap plak tu, tp penah terfikir x ape vitamin and nutrien yg ade dlm 1 keping roti canai??

Ok, of coz x pernah terlintas dek kerana kesedapan sehingga menjilat jari. Ape yg terjadi pd aku dlu was i grow my fat level slowly. Sedar x sedar suar aku da size 34 beb! Adess. Frankly speak, it feel sucks with big ass.

So, aku change breakfast yg lame dgn yg baru iaitu HERBALIFE! Wheeeee \(^___^)/!!!!!! Alhamdulillah, bkn setakat lose weight, kulit aku sendiri bertambah licin. Aku x pasan tp sponsor aku and mmber pompuan sendiri tegur. Oushhh, tenkiu girls...

Mlm tu pule, kami gerak ke Panderosa Golf and Country Club utk attend Mega HOM. Guess speaker ialah Amalina Peter. First time dgr sharing dri dia yg selama ni aku xpnh dgr kot. Though die leader aku tp xplak die cter perjalanan die dlm herbalfie.

End of day 1 di Skudai. Esoknye pergi ke pasir gudang tuk shake party conducted by me. Unfortunately, sponsor aku x snap gmbr time aku buat shake party. =___=

Alhamdulillah, 2 buah rumah settle dan mereka sudah faham misi herbalife. Keputusan utk menukar sarapan pagi biasa kepada sarapan pgi LUAR BIASA adlh sgt3 bijak! Tahniah puan2 dan tuan2 pasir gudang.

Overall, setiap keputusan yg dibuat mestila diiringi dgn commitment yg tggi tuk berubah. Klau anda ade 1juta sekali pon di bank, tetapi jika kesihatan tidak mengizinkan, duet 1juta tu pon slowly akan msok ke bank HOSPITAL.

Ok la, nk mkn dlu. Mcm biasa, jika anda berminat tuk Lose Weight, GAin Weight, Maintain Weight, or Part time job, filled up the form and i will contact u immediately. (n___n)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Event Yang Mengubah Hidup

Assalamualaikum wbt

Its a burning fire month!! Semalam bru jer berlangsung satu event yg dipanggil "Hari Pelanggan" atau dlm BI nye dipanggil "Customer Day" di Seri Pasific Kuala Lumpur. Mmg grand smpi tiket sold out man!! Phewww.. Nasib den sompek beli 2 tiket, kalau x, melopeh den.

Dlm event ni semalam, mmg gempak giler sbb herbalife recognise anak muda bawah 25 tahun tp da buat income every month xkurang dari RM30k. Let me show you these two couple yg sgt hebat!


Abg rudi and kak ika, da lebih 2 tahun dlm herbalife. Umur lebih kurang 25 tahun tp income die da RM30K++. Mula buat herbalife sbb nk kurus je, tp after dtg STS pertama beliau, tros decide nk buat part time herbalife semasa masih student di UNISEL. Alhamdulillah, syabas bro and sis! Korg mmg sempoi and simple!


Kak nadiah and abg daus ni yg buka jalan pada abg rudi n kak ika tuk buat herbalife. Disebabkan Allah utuskan this couple tuk bantu mmber, maka Allah naikkan darjat kedua pasangan ini semalam. Daus n nadiah punye average income pon xkurang dari RM30K++. Tahniah kak nadia and abg daus. Kak nadiah sgt3 bersemangat dlm herbalife!

Ok, next is leader dlm team aku. Confirm bile aku ckp je nme die ni, korang akan tau spe die. Amalina peter. Pernah dgr ken? Blogger paling dasat memperkenalkan herbalife dlm entry beliau. Da 5 tahun buat herbalife dari after spm lgi. And now, alhamdulillah, Allah naikkan darjat hambaNya yg berusaha. Average income is RM45K++


Pasangan islam tu yg aku maksudkan. Amalina Peter dan Abqari Hamid. Cool leader yg aweys focus. Soon depa ni nk p LA, tuk lawat2 UCLA. Gempak laa dieorg nih. Tahniah mel and ab!

Bgos ken dieorg? Utk dapat income mcm dieorg, kene attend event and DONT eva2 give up half way. Klau amalina bleh bertahan selama 5 tahun utk dapat RM45K+ sebulan, takkan kita yg bru ni nk quit. Berusaha, kerja and berdoa are the key to success.

Oppps, not to forget, DONT miss EVENT is oso major point to success. So, next event for those who seek for life changes, u are in the right time to attend SPECTACULAR this February. Inilah tiket yg sme Daus and Nadia cadangkan pada Rudi and Ika.

Come and join us, together we change our life for better life in the future. Time is running out, FOCUS for ur own FUTURE!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tiara Beach Resort.. 2 Days 1 nite

Assalamualaikum wbt

Training was officially complete by today. The excitement from this training really gives an extreme impact for those who came to this training. They were so lucky bcoz they make a right decision to be apart in this training. cut the crap, let me show you how worth this training was;

Siap2 nk gerak dah..

Dlm keta besama iera (n___n)v

Da smpi pon destinasi Tiara Beaach Resort.. Semua ni keta org2 herbalife.. Ramai kot!

Fifiey and the flower tot! hehehe

Ok, da siap park keta, tros register tuk dptkan tag and theme park pass for freeeee.. Tp xdpt mandi sbb xbwk extra clothes.. Mind set dtg cni sbb nk attend training and gain as many knowledge as i could.. 

Lepas regis, pegi attend training by amazing speakers.. Ptg pkul 4.30 da dpt room key and tros load in brg2 kt room..

My room.. 2 single bed and 1 queen bed.. Total 4 person in a room.. d(^___^)b

Eye bird view from my room.. Nice view.. 

After da kemas2 luggage, jom take tour around this resort....

Bola tampar pantai dlm resort.. 

Tempat mndi for kids pon ade.. Ala2 water park gitu.. So for those eyg ade famly, bleh bwk skali family depa.. Smbil training, smbil vacation ngn family.. and this is all worth for RM260.. 2days 1 nite..

Pulak tu, anggota2 yg memenuhi ruang theme park ni are all herbalife people.. Xbg chance kt visitor lain dah.. hahaha!

Aku xdpt laa nk join them coz xde bju..huhu.. Btw, at nite, we were having Hawaii bbq party near the theme park.. Dekat2 pasir tu.. It was soo cool man..

Punye laa lapar, tros amik mknn and makan.. Da half way mkn, bru teringat nk snap pic.. tu yg sudu terkangkang cm gitu.. (=____=)

My feveret!!! Sotong bakar with bbq sauce..!! Sedap giler!!!

Part of hamper yg dimenangi oleh group merah!!! Yeayyyy!!! All are mine!

Mkn pon sudah, dpt hadiah pon sudah, so gudnite peeps.. Before tdo, mnom teamix 500ml dlu yaw.. Burn kalori semasa tido.. 

2nd day kt resort, pgi2 g training.. Mcm biasa, aku xdpt nk snap gmbr training sbb pkai camera phone jer.. Phm2 jer laa, 2.0 megapixel, xjelas mne pon.. Nk tau, kne alami sendiri training next on February.. Dijamin xbosan!

Lunch. Again da half way mkn bru teringat nk snap gmbr.. Sorry.. Lapoo sgt.. (=___=)

After lunch, again continue last training.. Basically, after this training, most people dpt grow income.. And its TRUE! 1st training yg aku dtg bkn zero to hero tp Spectacular! Big event dat time.. After balik event, aku bleh buat side income dgn hnye part time around RM500 - RM 1500.. 

Pentingnye attend training adalah utk kite belajar mcm mane nk buat bisnes ni dgn betol.. Dan juga mcm mana nk grow more income but less work.. Jadi, sape yg nk buat side income tp not willing to sacrifice attending training, mmg xbleh nk grow income..
Alhamdulillah, this 2012, is my new year with herbalife.. FULL TIME with herbalife.. InsyaAllah, akn grow more income during FULL TIME.. 


Welcome Spectacular!!!!!!!