Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hadiah Dari Mama 2012

Assalamualaikum wbt

Owh my!!!! Its gonna be awesome entry today.

Really? What could be more awesome than your Herbalife story..(=__=)

Of coz my story. But the only different here is im gonna write things that people mostly used to have it. Or maybe regularly have it.
Ok hazlina, cut the crap! Straight to the point please.

Alrite. Dlu aku suke giler menda ni. Ckp la ape pon, aku mesti go for it. 
CAKES!!! Xkire ape brand janji HALAL, confirm aku yg bedal dlu. You just name it, i'll find it. Bkn sekadar cakes je yg aku suke but chocolate with almond, and fast food jenama M pon aku suke gile! Klau cake plak, xmo yg kosong2 nih. At least ade butter cream.

Bkn aku sorg je yg kongsi interest yg sama, but the whole family pon join skali. Except my papa. He dont like it very much.

Until one day, January 2011, it was the gloomy month of the year. Bulan dugaan tuk aku and the whole family. Aku di datangkan dgn 2 bad news, 1 good news, and 1 hope. Mase tu, aku 3rd year degree. 

Bad News Are:

1) Doctor said, "Mr. Halip MUST undergo the operation on January 2nd, 2011"
2) Mama plak disahkan mempunyai masalah buah pinggang mengecut. Hanya 2% saje berfungsi. Doctor said, "You have only 2 options. 1st, go for dialysis, or 2nd, remove the kidneys and find the donor"
Good News is:

1) My birthday is coming soon in January 14, 2011. 

Sbg seorg anak perempuan, aku mcm standing in the middle of empty field. Perasaan aku dat time was.....



Wanna kill the doctor instead


Should i be happy for my birthday??
Seriously aku mcm panik pon ade gak. Every day aku solat and berdoa...

Ya Allah, aku buntu dgn dugaanMu ini. Berikan la aku kekuatan tuk menghadapi dugaan ini. Aku mohon pertolongan dariMu, Ya Allah. Tunjukkan lah kepada aku jalan penyelesaian. Aku mahu ibu bapa ku sihat semula, Ya Allah.

Rintihan demi rintihan. Luahan demi luahan. Aku xberhenti mencari best solution until i found...


1) Fariha (which currently my coach) confidently said to me, "Hazel, ko bg je mama and papa ko mnom herbalife. InsyaAllah, ok"

Punye laa confident suh aku amik herbalife sedangkan itu bulan pertama die dlm Herbalife. Dan waktu tu aku mcm da x pkir pnjang. Terus jer beli produk. Padahal 4 tahun lepas, aku penah kne approach by herbalife distributor but maybe it wasnt his luck to try me. Hehehe..

Few hours in operation room, papa pon kuar. After da sedar dri ubat bius, aku straightly bg shake kt papa. In the mean time, mama pon da start mnom herbalife. Same product, same company, different product result. (^___^)

Sorry readers, papa punye gmbr xde during the operation. But, the only things that i can write here is, papa sihat alhamdulillah. Penyakit2 yg selama nih bersarang dlm bdn papa hampir 22 tahun da sembuh sepenuhnye. Penyakit psoriasis, iaitu sejenis penyakit kulit yg tidak berjangkit. 
Alhamdulillah, dgn hanya mengamalkan nutrisi sihat sbg breakfast, papa and mama sihat. Syukur sgt pada Allah krn utuskan Fariha sbg medium pertolonganNya. Klau x kerana Allah gerakkan hati insan ini, aku pon xtau laa nk citer ape.

So back to the story about food that i LOVE most. Klau laaa dugaan ini x melanda kami sekeluarga, maybe kami akan terus2 amalkan makanan yg tinggi kalori. Bkn nk salahkan food2 yg aku mention diatas, tp with the lifestyle skg, aku sendiri admit yg everyday we are surrounded by unhealthy environment. 

Maybe klau you all yg sme baya ngn aku akn take this article very lightly.
BUT, trust me. If it happen on you, you will have only 3 options in LIFE,

1) SIT DOWN AND DO NOTHING (mcm pasrah and redha jer)

Alhamdulillah, DECISION yg aku amik adalah atas pertolongan Allah juga. Dan alhamdulillah, January 2012, mama hadiahkan aku BIG present. Borang pertandingan memasak on January 14. Oowhh mama, mcm nk perli aku je yg xpandai memasak ni.

Ape2 pon, aku sahut challenge mama, and aku x menang pon. BUT, the most important is, i enjoy cooking with my mum during the challenge. I spent time with her, laughing with her, and share some hot story. Alhamdulillah.

There is no other word to describe unless ALHAMDULILLAH.