Monday, October 3, 2011

F.R.I.E.N.D and S.H.I.P

Assalamualaikum wbt

Baru 3 bulan aku dpt housemates junior where all of them are 18years old. Aku plak terperasan muda ngn bebdk umah. Teringat zaman HND dlu, aku dpt the best housemates and group-mates tuk assignments. Housemates aku same baya tp lain2 pael. Kami susun ikot tarikh lahir. Sape lahir dlu, die lebih kurang head of the house laa.

"Hazel, ko jdi collector tuk duit umah every month"

Aku relax je terima task nih for about 3 years. So far, bebdk umah xpenah kebulur sbb xde gas or xde beras tuk mkn. Tuh laa pentingnye management and communication among housemates. These two things make us living like one big family.

Yeah, though we have our real family, but in college, housemates are our family

Gosh, i am missing them damn much. Sob sob sob

Cute and single jer sumer time nih. Happynye!! Dancing steps. Meh aku knalkan nme msing2. Mule dri kiri smpi kanan. Yg kiri fariha, amoi, lina, nurul and aku! This pic was snap in Cameron highland. Located in BOH industry. 

Kami sgt3 friendly and mostly we act like sisters. Normal laa kdg2 tu tergaduh sbb menda yg remeh. Terasa hati, ter itu ter ini. But these make us much closer every day. Ape yg penting dlm menjaga persahabatan ialah communication. Like Mdm Shamima said,

Communication is important in purchasing and marketing as u need to deal with your suppliers or customers

Xmasal masok subject ni. Tp kt sini aku nk highlight yg communication mmg sgt2 penting especially bile kite tggl satu umah. Setiap org membawa karektor mereka tersendiri. Ade org kt luar watak len, dlm umah watak len. Perangai kt public len, perangai kt umah len. So, dua menda ni bg aku normal sbb aku xsuke teok luaran org. 

Example 1

Ade yg suke melaram diluar. Nmpk cantik and trendy jer. Tp bile teok umah or bilik, da mcm tongkang pecah. Kucing klau nk beranak pon boleh atas timbunan bju.

Example 2

Xnmpk bergaya tp kemas. Sekadar selapis sunblock sbgai pelindung muka. Nmpk simple tp jgn men2 woo. Depa nih xsuke bilik or umah bersepah. Sgt mementingkan kekemasan n everything must look organised.

Example 3

Trendy and good looking. Nmpk xterlalu outdated n fussy skit perangainye dlm pemakaian. Org camni die mmg pembersih, bek bju, umah, bilik mahupon dapur. Kdg2 tu mmg terlepas pndang tp depa nih akn pastikan umah depa bersih n bju depa kemas. 

Aku kt example yg mane ea? Heh, xkn nk judge diri sendiri plak. Tp ape2 pon, ini adalah fakta. Bile kita da duduk satu umah, kite akn nmpk true colour seseorg tu. Pael setiap org sgt3 berbeza. Rambut pon len2 kaler skg nih. 

Bg aku, biarlaa wat hair colour you have, as long as u know the limit, korang bleh survive dgn selamat kt kolej yg penuh ngn dugaan. So far, 2 of them are interested to herbalife sbb salu teok aku breakfast ngn healthy breakfast and stay slim. Ahaks. Aku sgt3 beratkan pasal kesihatan kt bebdk umah aku. Wat u eat is wat u are in the future.

Ape2 pon, im glad to have to new housemates which most of them are 18. Byk gak yg aku teok dieorg dpt adapt among each other behaviour. Ade jgk kekdg tu yg tkot nk tegur room-mate sendiri =____=". Aku as senior assistant merangkap lans corperal (berangan) hnye skadar monitor depa. As long dieorg pandai jaga diri, aku xkisah because they are here to learn, not to give order.

Friendship is like a star. It will never go dim as long as there is sun that light up the stars. Mcm xde kene mengena jer ken? Ape2 pon, aku sgt3 bersyukur sbb Allah tu Maha mengetahui. Allah jodohkan aku ngn housemate aku yg sgt3 baik and caring on each other. 

Aku still ingat sentence ni

Hazel, nk iron suar slack bkn camni.. ko kne buat cam gini, so that ko dpt line die.. sob sob sob

Hazel, klau ko nk cuci toilet, ko kne sental skali dinding so that dinding toilet xberkulat..

Willing to learn and to adopt is my style. Now, aku plak ajor bebdk ni cmne aku belajar dlu..Till here, im off to assignment.. Bye!