Thursday, December 15, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah.. Syukur sgt3 pada Allah kerana permudahkan aku menjawab 3 soklan essay yg kesemua carry 100% marks. Buat essay dlm mase 1jam 40 minit was crazy. Naik cramp jari telunjuk aku pegang pen. Abih jer exam, tros xleh bengkok jari telunjuk. (n____n)v...Oke tipu jerk..

Final paper tdi means final semester for Hazlina Halip in Degree of Business Studies. Thanks to Mr. Fakir yg bg tips sgt awesome. Its really guiding me till my last ink. Mmg ink pen da nazak.

However, the exam wasnt succeed without last minute group discussion with frens. Credit to these two buddies yg sudi nk discuss ngn aku ttg case study and so forth. We learn last minute and jot down few points that could come out in exam.

And as our prediction, the questions are more or less like the same. Alhamdulillah.. Thanks to lecturer for the tips again. And thanks to my fb fren yg x kedekut ilmu tuk share ngn aku.

Moga Allah beri rahmat dan kebaikan pada korang sumer.


Cool and simple jer jwpn aku..

Aku nk buat herbalife full time! Nk qualify sumer promotion macam Amalina Peter. Geram jer teok die aweys qualify sumer promotion. Paling jeles bile die dpt pegi FUTURE PRESIDENT TEAM RETREAT kt sunway mggu lepas. Jeles smpi nangis sendiri. (T___T)

So, no employment after graduation. Usaha and doa kat Allah agar my dream come true. 
