Monday, October 17, 2011

Prinsip 90/10

Assalamualaikum wbt

Owhh, bce tajuk jer da mcm kata2 rasullullah SAW yg bermaksud ;

9/10 pintu rezeki itu dtg dari perniagaan

Bg org islam, kite mmg digalakkan utk berniaga sebagaimana Nabi Muhammad SAW mengembala kambing seawal umur 9 tahun. Baginda mula mengikut bapa saudara, pergi berdagang. Janji Allah adalah pasti! So, berniaga laa wahai khalifah dimuka bumi ini dgn perniagaan yg halal. Dan jgn lupe kuar zakat.

Cop2, bkn tajuk nih yg aku nk tulis. Teok tajuk is 90/10 Principe. Prinsip ni diasaskan oleh Stephen R Covey khusus utk self development.

Since aku sgt3 tertarik ngn prinsip yg die buat, so aku go for further reading. Very interesting and cube korg pahamkan betol3. Xpaham tnye sponsor. Huh? herbalife ke?

Ape yg 90 and ape yg 10?

10% of life is made up of what happens to u,
90% of life is decided by how u react

Paham x? Stephen maksudkan 10% dri kehidupan kite telah pon ditentukan Allah SWT. Contohnye klau korg dilahirkan sbg lelaki, so lelaki laa hendakNya. Klau pompuan, maka pompuan la hendakNya. Contoh len spt flight delay, ktm delay, bju terkoyak, terkotor, kne marah oleh boss or lecturer, atau ape2 yg xdijangka berlaku kt kite. Jdi jgn sesekali menyesali ape yg telah ditentukan malah cube hargai ape yg berlaku, ade hikmah disebaliknya.

While 90% dripda hidup adalah berdasasrkan tindakan kite. Cmne? Contohnye klau tren delay, jgn laa nk buat muke ketat jer. Ambil masa nih tuk bersembang ngn org kt sebelah anda. Untung2 die nk beli herbalife. See, killing 2 birds in one stone.

Example 1



Segak lagi bergaya!

Here shows u are controlling whats happen on u without any stress

Example 2
Selalu berlaku tuk KTM =__=


Shares story psl herbalife is better ^__^

Example 3



Muke camni bru boss sejuk ati




1st, its adding wrinkles on ur face
2nd, u look terrible 
3rd, make up melt



Smile after been scolded, not during scolded

See, how simple u are taking over the 10% of what happen on u. Terpulang pada individu sme ade nk take it hard way or simple way. Bg aku, there is no highway option, it will always be MY way option. 

So kt sini, klau anda ditentukan tuk jatuh sakit, maka jgn tros2 berserah TANPA usaha tuk pulih. Xkira anda sihat atau tidak, keputusan semua ditangan kita. 90% drpd ape yg terjadi adalah berdasarkan apa yg kita lakukan. 

Tuk prinsip ni, aku selalu adopt dlm kehidupan seharian. Ok tipu jer, kekdg bile da geram, aku lepaskn jgk kt my future husband. Sabar jer die.heheh. Biasa laa pempuan, kekadang die mai ANGIN die tiap2 bulan. Maka bersabarlaa wahai kaum Adam. (n___n)

As for further picture of this principe, teok laa video nih

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Resepi Sarapan Pagi style Hazlina Halip

Assalamualaikum wbt

Fuhhh. Penat btol buat asemen final nih. Mcm berlari 4 x 100 plak penatnye. =__=". Da penat2 camni, klau pekena shake pon sodap Blend ngn ice cubes, campur plak ngn local fruits n susu, perghhh mmg heaven! Faveret aku time breakfast. Huh? Sempat ke breakfast?

Bg sesiapa yg tiada masa atau sibuk bagai menteri, nih simple resepi tuk anda yg nk breakfast tp at the same time nk kejar masa. Breakfast nih mmg sedap dan berkhasiat. Complete ngn vitamins and nutrients which compulsory needed by ur body. All u need are:

Herbalife Formula 1 (any flavour)

Mineral Water (room temperature or cold)

Shaker cup

Measuring spoon

1. Pour 400ml mineral water into shaker cup
2. Add 2 spoons (large) of Formula 1
3. Shake while u are driving (if u can)

Simple jer ken? X sampi 3 minit pon. Trust me! I used to woke up late. Sblm g kelas, aku da simpan siap2 air dlm shaker cup and let it cold in fridge. Next day i just grab shaker cup, adding 2 or 3 scoops Formula 1, and go! On the way to class, aku shake je. Da buat 2 kerja dlm satu mase.

1. Exercise tgn
2. Ready to go class

But normally, aku akan cube bgon awal tuk amik complete breakfast before i start my day. These are 3 regular complete breakfast i took every morning never missed;

Klau terlebih rajin, aku buat resepi breakfast lain skit. Bhn2 nye;

Formula 1 (any flavour)

Low fat milk (small size)

Ice cubes (depends)

Papaya (quarter would be enough)


1. Peel off papaya skin and wash it. Cut it into cubes
2. Pour low fat milk into blander togather with papaya, ice cubes
3. Not forget 2 scoops of Formula 1.
4. Bland it while singing (lalalal)


Simple lagi mengenyangkan. Yg penting berkhasiat! Yg ajaibnye, mnom shake pon boleh lose weight. Interesting isnt it? Antara yg da kurus is my ex-housemate lina.



Wahhh! Sgt3 terkejut teok perubahan mmbr sendiri time raya tahun nih. Sgt3 ketara. Yg lebih ketara dlu die pkai bju kurung siza XL, but today she's wearing M size! Best giler teok die dpt flat tummy and guess wat, she is still a student. 

Student taking herbalife? Meaning here, klau nak cantik and sihat, duet bkn isu nye. Mahal atau murah adalah alasan tuk org yg xnk berubah. Credit to her for her life changing! 

If she can do it, why not YOU?

Monday, October 10, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah. Smlm dpt jgk attend Successful Training Seminar (STS). Training tuk org yg nk berjaya.

Ramai ken yg nk berjaya? Mmg ramai sgt sts october smpi aku terpaksa bg seat aku kt guess aku. =___=.. Pengorbanan. Tp tuk smpi ke sni, byk sgt kisah and dugaan yg terjadi. Penah dgr x org ckp

Dugaan tuk smpi ke tempat ilmiah sgt byk

Ok, mmg btol! Tuk aku smpi ke STS which was conducted yesterday and only ONCE in a month was very challenging. Antara yg paling BESAR dugaan aku of coz





Byk kan ALASAN yg aku bg utk TIDAK menghadiri majlis ILMU? Malas, jauh, byk asemen, xde guess. Amalina lgi jauh cik hazel, tp boleh jer die dtg. Sila click (amalina-peter). Yes, mmg syaitan yg menghasut aku tuk xnk pergi. Tros aku lay down on my bed with trillion of guilty. Aku rse mcm aku nih failure! Then timbul satu suara yg buat aku rase nak......


Yes! Semangat aku dtg balik. Alhamdulillah! How does it happen? It happen when u was reminded to achieved wat u want. Aku ingat balik impians yg aku listed wktu mula2 aku di Herbalife. Xkn aku nk biarkan diri aku terus terusan mcm nih? Allah pon xsuke pd hambaNya yg xnk berubah. Tetibe teringat kata2 papa;

Nk jadi org berjaya, bkn pada mulut, tp pada tindakan. Doa, usaha n kerajinan PENTING dlm business. Klau x rajin, x payah buat business, pegi mkn gaji BUTE jdi suruhan org.

SURUHAN ORG? Oh my. Menda yg paling aku x suke! Jadi aku pon DECIDE nk pegi STS! Alhamdulillah, aku berjaya smpi ke STS with ONE guess! Guest wat, she is my bFF! 


Die ni sgt3 committed klau buat kerja. Though she's married with one daughter, but she's still rock! Aku just bwk die sbb die interested ngn business part time aku. Die ushar je aku mula2 dlm business ni. Wlaupon 1st time aku ajak die n she refuse, but alhamdulillah, she had decided to become part of herbalife family!

Dlm training smlm, auntie kamilah sgt menarik perhatian aku. She said

Klau kite xnk, BERHENTI. Senang. Kite xkn jdi org yg WOW!

Kata2 auntie tros rse mcm nk tampor diri sendiri. Selama ni aku byk sgt alasan pd diri aku. Bile aku da bg alasan, ape aku buat? Aku scale diri aku antara yg TERBURUK sekali. When u had become the worst than ever, you have two options;

Aku terima ape yg aku scale pd diri sendiri n aku berubah! Dlm menuju kejayaan, bohong laa klau aku ckp korang xkn hilang kawan, korg kene band, kne jdi bahan umpatan. Mulut manusia kite xleh tutup, klau ikotkan aku, mmg aku nk seal tros mulot org nih, tp klau kite tutup, spe nk menyebarkan misi Mark Huge? ^___^v

Ignore to people who tried to pull u down. Sikap ignorant sgt penting disaat kite hampir2 down. Org2 yg nk down kn kite might be org terdekat. Syukur alhamdulillah, Allah pelihara family aku dri mnjatuhkan aku. Papa aku antara yg selalu remind aku dlm herbalife. Mama plak jdi marketer aku. Setiap kali pergi pasar, die akan citer psl herbalife. Smpi makcik jual nasi lemak pon terbeli herbalife. ^___^ Alhamdulillah she had her product result and still consuming herbalife till now.

So, spe ckp buat herbalife ilang family n ilang best fren? Tu haa, kt atas td best fren aku nk join herbalife. So what?? Aku gembira sgt3 dpt bantu sahabat aku. InsyaAllah, kami akn sama2 mendaki. Die kuat semangat, so aku pon kene kuat semngat!

If other people can do, WHY not YOU?  

Friday, October 7, 2011

Managing People in Herbalife?

Assalamualaikum wbt

Im not perfect, but I swear im perfect for u~~~ (ringtone sms). Pagi2 da dpt msg dari customer. She's a nurse from one of the private hospital in kL.

Customer : Salam dik. Akak nk tnye, npe kepala akk sakit smpi ke tulang blkg. Mata akak pon skit sgt.

Aku : Wasalam. Emm, sya xtau akk sakit ape. Y not akak jmpe doktor. Btw akak da amik 1 2 3 pgi ni? 

Customer : Da. Sumer akak da amik. Ape mslh akak ye dik?

Aku :  Akak, sya bukan doktor. Tp yg saya boleh ckp herbalife skg tgh buat process detox dlm bdn akak. So akak kene kuat smgt n mnom teamix bnyk2. InsyaAllah lega.

Back to story. Normal utk seorg new consumer who is first time consuming herbalife to feel this such experience. Tipu benor klau aku ckp 3 hari pertama xde perubahan after mnom herbalife. Klau ade pon org tu mesti skip2. So aku pon melayan kan aje customers aku nih. The best thing is, blom sempat 3 hari aku nk followup, dieorg da sms aku. 1st day mnom da sms. Sgt mudah keje aku! Alhamdulillah.

Lepas layan sms customer, aku continue wrapping myself in blanket. Ari ujan. Baru nk layan mimpi tetibe........ Im not perfect, but I swear im perfect for you~~~ (ringtone sms)

Customer : Dik, akak nk tnye lgi. Klau kite cmpur oat dlm shake boleh x?

Aku : Xboleh tuk yg amik lose weight program.

Customer : Tp mak akak tu cpt pedih perot. Takot die lapar.

Aku : Y not akak follow jer jadual pemakanan yg sya bgi aritu. InsyaAllah xpedih perot. Just follow. 

Fuhhh. Sgt menduga perasaan apabila kite ditugaskan tuk menjadi coach. Sometimes aku berfikir....

Aku ni doktor pon bkn, nutritionist pon bkn. Tp nape byk benor soklan yg lgsung xberkaitan ngn aku?

Yup! Aku bkn doktor mahupon pakar pemakanan! I am taking Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Study. Major study aku is entrepreneur and managing and organising. 

Leadership and management are my main subjects. Dlm herbalife byk gak aku practik kan segala knowledge management. LIke time mgt, financial mgt, and so forth. Tp honestly to say, aku kurang dlm time mgt. Selalu sgt terover atau terkurang. Human mgt plak xde mslh sbb dlm herbalife, we are not managing people. Best ken? So no such human resource department.

Klau da xde managing people, why were u still looking for people entering ur business?

Soklan nih dituju kt aku after aku blek extravaganza bangkok. At first aku senyum and aku jwb,

Give me 1hour to look for the best answer for u.

Wahahaha! Serius aku xtau nk ckp ape time tu sbb klau aku slh jwb, aku kne gelak. And klau aku jwb with no fact, nmpk sgt aku bodoh. To be safe, aku mntk excuse for 1hour. Aku pon lari2 blek apartment teok buku organisation behavior and human resource. Buat karangan siap ngn citation lagi. Ok tipu jer. (^__^)v

Da dpt complete answer, aku send email jer. Ahaks! Malas giler nk ngadap die. In my mail, its written

Basically, business need proper mgt especially human mgt. As the company need its employees to run the organisation. Same goes to my organisation. The different between me and other companies, I dont give them wages. They seek for their own earning. Wages were given after your employees had done what they were command to do. Who gives command? The manager. What is the manager does? Managing works for them. Manager manage people to meet their goals. I am manager of my organisation but i am not managing people as they are able to manage them self. How do they manage themself? Inviting them to training! 

Why i am inviting them into my business? Because i want them to be rich and helping this country to increase its GDP! If people have money, they will purchase. If people dont have money, they keep silent and might involve in crime. 

Hahahaha! Sbnrnye mcm pnjg lgi tp aku mls nk bkk email. nih je yg aku ingat dlm pale otak. Aku xpasti jwpn aku tu betol ke tidak. Yg pasti, life is option.

Option aka pilihan. Hidup biar balance. Dunia pon kita dapat manfaat, akhirat pon kite da buat saham. Klau kite xnk berubah, kite yg rugi. Jdi, aku pilih utk mengubah hidup aku and keep survive as a muslim in this temporary world.

See, how hard is she trying to balance these two things? Balancing xsemestinye dlm idup jer, pemakanan pon kne balance and most important, we dont harm ourself with trillions of poisons. Till here! Bye!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt

Arini, October 4, 2011 telah berlangsung satu surprise party tuk housemates aku. Yeah, its my little house-mates  reaching 18years old.

It look so awkward to conduct this surprise party as miss sally and i (one of my housemate) need to organised everything. Ntah kenapa aku rase my new housemates nih mcm lack of communication. So, aku pon decide tuk buat small gathering among us. Niat murni sesuci minyak masak murni

Yesza! This is it! Blueberry yogurt cake. Super delicious and arghhh. Cant even describe it in word. Its written there

Happy Belated Birthday Lesli, Syira, Ain, and Mia

Teok muke2 dieorg yg dipaksa bgon dri tdo tuk potong kek. Introducing from left is ain, syira, lesli, and mia. They are all like my sisters yg agak noty and selalu ade idea nk kenakan org. Gurls, i like it very much. Next time nk kene kan org lgi, ajak senior nih ok.

Akak, bile kamu mau keluar?

Ayat mcm kasar ken? Tp yg sebenarnye dlm mind dieorg, this is farewell party. (=____=").... Farewell tuk aku yg xlame lgi nk graduate. Padahal aku prepare this surprise party for them, not farewell party. Owh adik adik ku.

Org ingat akak da nk pegi esok. Terkejot n sedih jgk tetbe akak nk pegi esok

Haah, sya ingat akak sudah abis belajar

Bunyi mcm nk halau aku tp jauh dilubuk ati dieorg, they dont have the intention to chase me out from house. I guess so. Bile masing2 dipaksa bgon dri tdo, ini lah yg berlaku,

Ni laa hasil karya ain, yg sgt3 blurr and mamai. Boleh die mkn kek SAJE. Nk tergelak teok bdk nih punye pael.

Ain xsuke kek krim. Ain suke kek coklat yg xde cream.

Its not cream dear, its yogurt.

Ain ni mmg mcm ni kak. Sumer tidak suka. Birthday die kite beli sponge kek jer. Jimat =___=

Haishh, like i said in last post, lain org lain pael

Bile buat cmni jer, aku teringat kt ex-housemates aku dlu2. First surprise party yg kiteorg buat is for amoi. Sgt2 organised and very surprising her.

Gosh, i am missing these moments with them!

Wat passed is passed. The only thing left is memory. Klau memory kne virus camne? Format ler jawabnye.

Ape2 pon, akak wish korg success dlm menempuh dunia HND. Its easy to pass and its not easy to failed. Gelak2 jugak, but maintain your pointer as wat ur sisters did for their hnd. Tag line kite org time hnd

We are geniuses but we dont have much time

Tag line kiteorg salu gune bile due date asemen around the corner. Knape tag line nih? Sbb kiteorg PASTI akan ponteng klas time nk anta asemen. Kami sgt otai n sgt tidak disukai oleh satu group nih. Ahaks. Bile ade yg xsuke, kteorg ckp

Wat ever LOSER!

Knape kmi sgt yakin berkata demikian? Kerana kami xnk ion2 negative melekat kt kami. Itu laa nme nye mempositivekan diri. Xmudah down ngn kritikan or cemuhan org. Jati diri yg kuat membuatkan kami mcm di isolate kan. Ade org bile terkena virus negative nih, die tros collapse. Ade yg mati pon ade. Over giler. Tp aku x peduli ngn kate2 org sgt.

As long kite xkacau org, dieorg jgn nk kacau kite

Ok laa. Nk bace article. Bye!

Best moment ever with lovely housemates!

Monday, October 3, 2011

F.R.I.E.N.D and S.H.I.P

Assalamualaikum wbt

Baru 3 bulan aku dpt housemates junior where all of them are 18years old. Aku plak terperasan muda ngn bebdk umah. Teringat zaman HND dlu, aku dpt the best housemates and group-mates tuk assignments. Housemates aku same baya tp lain2 pael. Kami susun ikot tarikh lahir. Sape lahir dlu, die lebih kurang head of the house laa.

"Hazel, ko jdi collector tuk duit umah every month"

Aku relax je terima task nih for about 3 years. So far, bebdk umah xpenah kebulur sbb xde gas or xde beras tuk mkn. Tuh laa pentingnye management and communication among housemates. These two things make us living like one big family.

Yeah, though we have our real family, but in college, housemates are our family

Gosh, i am missing them damn much. Sob sob sob

Cute and single jer sumer time nih. Happynye!! Dancing steps. Meh aku knalkan nme msing2. Mule dri kiri smpi kanan. Yg kiri fariha, amoi, lina, nurul and aku! This pic was snap in Cameron highland. Located in BOH industry. 

Kami sgt3 friendly and mostly we act like sisters. Normal laa kdg2 tu tergaduh sbb menda yg remeh. Terasa hati, ter itu ter ini. But these make us much closer every day. Ape yg penting dlm menjaga persahabatan ialah communication. Like Mdm Shamima said,

Communication is important in purchasing and marketing as u need to deal with your suppliers or customers

Xmasal masok subject ni. Tp kt sini aku nk highlight yg communication mmg sgt2 penting especially bile kite tggl satu umah. Setiap org membawa karektor mereka tersendiri. Ade org kt luar watak len, dlm umah watak len. Perangai kt public len, perangai kt umah len. So, dua menda ni bg aku normal sbb aku xsuke teok luaran org. 

Example 1

Ade yg suke melaram diluar. Nmpk cantik and trendy jer. Tp bile teok umah or bilik, da mcm tongkang pecah. Kucing klau nk beranak pon boleh atas timbunan bju.

Example 2

Xnmpk bergaya tp kemas. Sekadar selapis sunblock sbgai pelindung muka. Nmpk simple tp jgn men2 woo. Depa nih xsuke bilik or umah bersepah. Sgt mementingkan kekemasan n everything must look organised.

Example 3

Trendy and good looking. Nmpk xterlalu outdated n fussy skit perangainye dlm pemakaian. Org camni die mmg pembersih, bek bju, umah, bilik mahupon dapur. Kdg2 tu mmg terlepas pndang tp depa nih akn pastikan umah depa bersih n bju depa kemas. 

Aku kt example yg mane ea? Heh, xkn nk judge diri sendiri plak. Tp ape2 pon, ini adalah fakta. Bile kita da duduk satu umah, kite akn nmpk true colour seseorg tu. Pael setiap org sgt3 berbeza. Rambut pon len2 kaler skg nih. 

Bg aku, biarlaa wat hair colour you have, as long as u know the limit, korang bleh survive dgn selamat kt kolej yg penuh ngn dugaan. So far, 2 of them are interested to herbalife sbb salu teok aku breakfast ngn healthy breakfast and stay slim. Ahaks. Aku sgt3 beratkan pasal kesihatan kt bebdk umah aku. Wat u eat is wat u are in the future.

Ape2 pon, im glad to have to new housemates which most of them are 18. Byk gak yg aku teok dieorg dpt adapt among each other behaviour. Ade jgk kekdg tu yg tkot nk tegur room-mate sendiri =____=". Aku as senior assistant merangkap lans corperal (berangan) hnye skadar monitor depa. As long dieorg pandai jaga diri, aku xkisah because they are here to learn, not to give order.

Friendship is like a star. It will never go dim as long as there is sun that light up the stars. Mcm xde kene mengena jer ken? Ape2 pon, aku sgt3 bersyukur sbb Allah tu Maha mengetahui. Allah jodohkan aku ngn housemate aku yg sgt3 baik and caring on each other. 

Aku still ingat sentence ni

Hazel, nk iron suar slack bkn camni.. ko kne buat cam gini, so that ko dpt line die.. sob sob sob

Hazel, klau ko nk cuci toilet, ko kne sental skali dinding so that dinding toilet xberkulat..

Willing to learn and to adopt is my style. Now, aku plak ajor bebdk ni cmne aku belajar dlu..Till here, im off to assignment.. Bye!