Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Resepi Sarapan Pagi style Hazlina Halip

Assalamualaikum wbt

Fuhhh. Penat btol buat asemen final nih. Mcm berlari 4 x 100 plak penatnye. =__=". Da penat2 camni, klau pekena shake pon sodap Blend ngn ice cubes, campur plak ngn local fruits n susu, perghhh mmg heaven! Faveret aku time breakfast. Huh? Sempat ke breakfast?

Bg sesiapa yg tiada masa atau sibuk bagai menteri, nih simple resepi tuk anda yg nk breakfast tp at the same time nk kejar masa. Breakfast nih mmg sedap dan berkhasiat. Complete ngn vitamins and nutrients which compulsory needed by ur body. All u need are:

Herbalife Formula 1 (any flavour)

Mineral Water (room temperature or cold)

Shaker cup

Measuring spoon

1. Pour 400ml mineral water into shaker cup
2. Add 2 spoons (large) of Formula 1
3. Shake while u are driving (if u can)

Simple jer ken? X sampi 3 minit pon. Trust me! I used to woke up late. Sblm g kelas, aku da simpan siap2 air dlm shaker cup and let it cold in fridge. Next day i just grab shaker cup, adding 2 or 3 scoops Formula 1, and go! On the way to class, aku shake je. Da buat 2 kerja dlm satu mase.

1. Exercise tgn
2. Ready to go class

But normally, aku akan cube bgon awal tuk amik complete breakfast before i start my day. These are 3 regular complete breakfast i took every morning never missed;

Klau terlebih rajin, aku buat resepi breakfast lain skit. Bhn2 nye;

Formula 1 (any flavour)

Low fat milk (small size)

Ice cubes (depends)

Papaya (quarter would be enough)


1. Peel off papaya skin and wash it. Cut it into cubes
2. Pour low fat milk into blander togather with papaya, ice cubes
3. Not forget 2 scoops of Formula 1.
4. Bland it while singing (lalalal)


Simple lagi mengenyangkan. Yg penting berkhasiat! Yg ajaibnye, mnom shake pon boleh lose weight. Interesting isnt it? Antara yg da kurus is my ex-housemate lina.



Wahhh! Sgt3 terkejut teok perubahan mmbr sendiri time raya tahun nih. Sgt3 ketara. Yg lebih ketara dlu die pkai bju kurung siza XL, but today she's wearing M size! Best giler teok die dpt flat tummy and guess wat, she is still a student. 

Student taking herbalife? Meaning here, klau nak cantik and sihat, duet bkn isu nye. Mahal atau murah adalah alasan tuk org yg xnk berubah. Credit to her for her life changing! 

If she can do it, why not YOU?