Friday, October 7, 2011

Managing People in Herbalife?

Assalamualaikum wbt

Im not perfect, but I swear im perfect for u~~~ (ringtone sms). Pagi2 da dpt msg dari customer. She's a nurse from one of the private hospital in kL.

Customer : Salam dik. Akak nk tnye, npe kepala akk sakit smpi ke tulang blkg. Mata akak pon skit sgt.

Aku : Wasalam. Emm, sya xtau akk sakit ape. Y not akak jmpe doktor. Btw akak da amik 1 2 3 pgi ni? 

Customer : Da. Sumer akak da amik. Ape mslh akak ye dik?

Aku :  Akak, sya bukan doktor. Tp yg saya boleh ckp herbalife skg tgh buat process detox dlm bdn akak. So akak kene kuat smgt n mnom teamix bnyk2. InsyaAllah lega.

Back to story. Normal utk seorg new consumer who is first time consuming herbalife to feel this such experience. Tipu benor klau aku ckp 3 hari pertama xde perubahan after mnom herbalife. Klau ade pon org tu mesti skip2. So aku pon melayan kan aje customers aku nih. The best thing is, blom sempat 3 hari aku nk followup, dieorg da sms aku. 1st day mnom da sms. Sgt mudah keje aku! Alhamdulillah.

Lepas layan sms customer, aku continue wrapping myself in blanket. Ari ujan. Baru nk layan mimpi tetibe........ Im not perfect, but I swear im perfect for you~~~ (ringtone sms)

Customer : Dik, akak nk tnye lgi. Klau kite cmpur oat dlm shake boleh x?

Aku : Xboleh tuk yg amik lose weight program.

Customer : Tp mak akak tu cpt pedih perot. Takot die lapar.

Aku : Y not akak follow jer jadual pemakanan yg sya bgi aritu. InsyaAllah xpedih perot. Just follow. 

Fuhhh. Sgt menduga perasaan apabila kite ditugaskan tuk menjadi coach. Sometimes aku berfikir....

Aku ni doktor pon bkn, nutritionist pon bkn. Tp nape byk benor soklan yg lgsung xberkaitan ngn aku?

Yup! Aku bkn doktor mahupon pakar pemakanan! I am taking Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Study. Major study aku is entrepreneur and managing and organising. 

Leadership and management are my main subjects. Dlm herbalife byk gak aku practik kan segala knowledge management. LIke time mgt, financial mgt, and so forth. Tp honestly to say, aku kurang dlm time mgt. Selalu sgt terover atau terkurang. Human mgt plak xde mslh sbb dlm herbalife, we are not managing people. Best ken? So no such human resource department.

Klau da xde managing people, why were u still looking for people entering ur business?

Soklan nih dituju kt aku after aku blek extravaganza bangkok. At first aku senyum and aku jwb,

Give me 1hour to look for the best answer for u.

Wahahaha! Serius aku xtau nk ckp ape time tu sbb klau aku slh jwb, aku kne gelak. And klau aku jwb with no fact, nmpk sgt aku bodoh. To be safe, aku mntk excuse for 1hour. Aku pon lari2 blek apartment teok buku organisation behavior and human resource. Buat karangan siap ngn citation lagi. Ok tipu jer. (^__^)v

Da dpt complete answer, aku send email jer. Ahaks! Malas giler nk ngadap die. In my mail, its written

Basically, business need proper mgt especially human mgt. As the company need its employees to run the organisation. Same goes to my organisation. The different between me and other companies, I dont give them wages. They seek for their own earning. Wages were given after your employees had done what they were command to do. Who gives command? The manager. What is the manager does? Managing works for them. Manager manage people to meet their goals. I am manager of my organisation but i am not managing people as they are able to manage them self. How do they manage themself? Inviting them to training! 

Why i am inviting them into my business? Because i want them to be rich and helping this country to increase its GDP! If people have money, they will purchase. If people dont have money, they keep silent and might involve in crime. 

Hahahaha! Sbnrnye mcm pnjg lgi tp aku mls nk bkk email. nih je yg aku ingat dlm pale otak. Aku xpasti jwpn aku tu betol ke tidak. Yg pasti, life is option.

Option aka pilihan. Hidup biar balance. Dunia pon kita dapat manfaat, akhirat pon kite da buat saham. Klau kite xnk berubah, kite yg rugi. Jdi, aku pilih utk mengubah hidup aku and keep survive as a muslim in this temporary world.

See, how hard is she trying to balance these two things? Balancing xsemestinye dlm idup jer, pemakanan pon kne balance and most important, we dont harm ourself with trillions of poisons. Till here! Bye!