Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Engineers Pon PERLU sihat

Assalamualaikum wbt..

2 days ago, aku pegi BMI (British Malaysian Institute) at Gombak. Obviously they all are future engineers. Good luck ladies!! (^___^)v

Why were u there, hazel? (?__?)

I was there to help these future engineers living in healthy lifestyle, full of nutritious, and more gorgeous. Yeah, though you are engineers to be, doesn't mean you no need to be gorgeous. Perempuan laa katakan. PASTI ade naluri ingin CANTIK. Well, im here to help these ladies and gentlemen becoming more healthier and gorgeous.
So, aku pon smpi kt BMI ni and straight away ke hostel mmber aku ni. At first ken, die ckp ngn aku,

"Hazel, ko jgn laa harapkan pape tau"

Aku pon ngn relax and cool menjawab,
"Owh, aku harap ilmu yg aku nk share ni dpt bg manfaat kt korang sume. (n__n)v"

For the first time aku TAK SESAT ke BMI pkai MRR2. Honestly, aku x suke driving ke tempat yg aku x familiar. Bleh nangis dlm keta klau sesat lagi2 kt bandar KL. But, before aku smpi, aku singgah ke 7 Eleven. Beli air and soy drink. Time kt kaunter bayaran, the casher straightly read my button very LOUD!
"Turun Berat Badan Anda, Tanya Saya Bagaimana"

Kuat gile dowh. Smpi org sebelah aku duk jenguk button aku. Wahaha! Aku pon senyum and ask,
"Eh, awk excited nk lose weight ye? Bg no fon klau awk nk sya consult awk (^___^)v"

Time tu aku x bwk porch yg byk giler flyers aku. So aku pon suh die tulis no fon kt belakang resit pembelian aku. And HE DID IT! Serious beb! Aku tros call die to make sure itu no die, and its true. Baru laa aku walk out smbil tersenyum. Bangga GILER sbb almost all people know HERBALIFE! 
Da smpi hostel dieorg, relax2 dlu. Waiting for the others to coming. Sharp at 9pm, aku start timbang2 dieorg and they are all very excited to know their own body composition. Siap sibuk2 nk tau mmber punye. As usual, aku terangkan what are necessary action should be taken before things goes even worst.
As a former student, I know what they are thinking. BUT hey, that is not the reason for you guys to be EXCEPTIONAL from taking this nutritious as daily consumption. Come on people, I was financed by MARA during my study. Part of my pocket money is for HERBALIFE.

Trust me, after taking this good nutritious, korang akan rase diri korang ibarat disuluh dgn lampu spotlight. Glitters2 gitu ok. Femes laa u oll after dis.. Oushhh..

End of shake party with future engineers.
On Monday, aku dpt order dripd ain, bekas pelajar kolej aku. Congratulation to her for making good decision! Ain ni org Cameron Highland belajar arkitek. Aku pon settlekan proses penge-pos-an product tuk die. After finish everything, aku gerak ke hQ. Nk pick up order yg aku buat pkul 12tgh tdi.

Punye la semngat nk pi hQ ni. Bkn ape, sbb ade org teman. hehehe.

His the guy!! Hehehe. Die pon nk pick up order jgk. So alang2, kami pergi same2. Smpi je kt hQ, tros ternganga.......

FULL HOUSE man!! Org2 herbalife suke shopping hujung bulan kt Herbalife office. Cool and awesome!! So aku pon tekan no giliran aku tuk pickup brg. Sme goes to him.

Busy benor. And aku pon duduk2 smbil tggu no dipanggil. Bile da pggil no aku, berlari sepantas kilat laa aku. Excited GILER!! (^____^)!!!!

"Cik Hazlina, u punye no product is unpaid. U pergi check kt kaunter pembyaran"

Aku ckp "Sya buat wire transfer pkul 12tgh tdi. And now pkul 5pm sya nk pick up"
"Biasanye EOM ni, system pending sbb every 10minit, more than 100 distributors are placing order. U dtg esok tuk pick up ye (^___^)"

Aku "............(n____n) okai......"
At the end, die jer yg dpt pick up brg....

Dgn rase hampa x terkire, die pon ajak aku lepak2 mkn2 kt kLcc. Oraite, kiteorg pon heading to kLcc using the new pedestrian yg bru dibina. Mmg best and cool because it is fully air-condition. So xberpeluh.

LOVE it very MUCH!!! Till now, i'll be writing more useful information about skin care product. BUT, nk teok secara LIVE, mestila WAJB dtg ahad 5hb February, 2012 di Seri Pasific Hotel, near PWTC.

Sangat3333 rugi klau decide xnk dtg. Bkn rugi ape, rugi ILMU. Klau nk ilmu, isi borang kt atas, and sya akan call immediately. 

Selamat mlm semua readers (n___n)v